Friday, October 20, 2017



Next Friday(10/27) is Halloween.  The school-wide parade will be at 10:30 behind our school on the LCE track.  Feel free to stop by after the parade, just make sure you sign-in at the office.  The kids are planning some activities that will take place following the parade.  If you would like to sign up to send in some snacks or supplies, please use the link below:

Yearbooks are on sale now (Oct. 16) through Dec. 31 for $12, the lowest price we will offer. We receive a limited number of yearbooks so order now to guarantee a copy. You may order online (, but please note Balfour charges a $1 processing fee on each order. Or you may order through the school – simply print the attached form that is sent out with the weekly school emails, fill it out and return with your payment to your child’s teacher. Checks must be made payable to PORTAGE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. If you do not have access to a printer, please contact the teacher and a paper copy will be sent home.

Conference Time!  Conferences will be held this year on November 14th and 16th.  We will be doing online scheduling again this year.  This will open up at 8am today. You can CLICK HERE  or go to   If you need a code it is ekhj9.  Please find your child’s teacher and sign up under his/her name.  Remember to not book back to back as you will need time to get to from one classroom to the other.  Also be aware that we are on a tight schedule and we must stick to the time allotted and only one conference per family.  Thank you for your support and understanding.

The last couple of stories haven't been that spectacular so we have been substituting  a lot of our language arts with StoryWorks Magazine.  StoryWorks is a great magazine from Scholastic that has great fiction and non-fiction articles.  As a class, we have been reading articles together and then focusing on inferences, since that is the essential standard for the 1st quarter.  Whether we have a heavy focus on the story in the journeys basil or not, we will still have weekly vocabulary and spelling tests.  We always go over the spelling words and vocabulary words together as a class on Mondays and Tuesdays.  It is every child's responsibility to know the 10 vocabulary words and 20 spelling words. 

Vocabulary Words: unison, uniform, mastered, competition, identical, element, routine, intimidated, recite, qualifying

Spelling Words:  glue, flute, youth, accuse, bruise, stew, choose, loose, lose, view, confuse, cruise, jewel, execute, route, cartoon, avenue, include, assume, souvenir

We wrapped up all 16 lessons from Module 1 this week.  We will spend today(Friday 10/20) and Monday (10/23) taking a review test and going over all the concepts covered.  I will probably have everyone take the End of Module 1 test next Tuesday or Wednesday.  It just depends how long it takes up to go through everything.  Please use the review test to help your child. 

Every students needs to know how to:

1.   Round decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, thousandth, or whole number.

2.  Compare Decimals <,>, =

3.  Add and Subtract Decimals

4.  Multiply Decimals

5.  Divide Decimals

Phases of the Moon

We are going to probably take a few weeks and focus on the phases of the moon.  Students need to know all 8 phases of the moon and be able to draw which part of the moon is illuminated correctly.  Students also need to know how the moon has an effect on the tides and the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse.