Thursday, December 18, 2014

12-19-14 Newsletter

I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a safe and restful holiday season.  It always seems to sneak up on me.  Seems like the year just started.  I also hope everyone is able to rest up and get healthy.  I'm looking forward to a fresh, healthy start to the new year.


Speaking of the new year.  When we get back from break, student dismissal will now be at 3:38 instead of 3:40.  I don't think 2 minutes will make that much of a difference but I just wanted everyone to be aware.


I'm not sending any reading or math log sheets home over break.  I highly recommend that you keep the same routines of reading each night and practicing math facts.  I would also like to see some of the kids work on Lexia over break.  The goal for everyone at midyear would be around level 11.  If your child is below level 10, then they are still working on 1st grade skills.  Maybe they can catch up over break if they are below level 10.

I will also set up a class Sumdog contest for over winter break.  The kids seem to like the contests when I do them in the computer lab so we can see how it works over a 3 week period.  I do realize that everyone has a lot going on over break so just do what you can.

Language Arts

We did not move forward with a new story this week.  That is why we didn't have any spelling homework.  Instead, we finished up a few activities from last week and then concentrated on writing.  We worked on a personal narrative about winter and we also made some Christmas cards/letters.


Due to the number of students that were out this week, I was only able to get through 2 math lessons.  I wasn't about to start anything new because I'd just have to reteach it anyway.

Lesson 9 & 10 had to due with composing 10's.  It's just different vocabulary then we are used to, the concept is the same.  When we were growing up we called it "carrying over".  Students have to be able to visually draw out the problems though.

Lesson 9
Objective:  Use math drawings to represent the composition when adding a two-digit to a three-digit addend.

Lesson 10
Objective:  Use math drawings to represent the composition when adding a two-digit to a three-digit addend.

Math Night for Elementary Parents
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Portage Northern HS Community Room
(Located at 1000 Idaho)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:30 pm

Do you have questions about the elementary math curriculum? Have your questions answered and find out more about Eureka/Engage math.

Matt Mayer, Instructional Specialist, from KRESA and Nancy Haas, Director of Curriculum will answer questions and share the components of the elementary math curriculum.

Please RSVP so we can prepare materials and answer your questions. Please call Kelly Milliman, Administrative Assistant in the Curriculum Office, at 323-5060 or email Nancy Haas at