Turtle trot was another big success. The kids had a great time running around the track today at their recess. You can send in the money you raised for the turtle trot at anytime. I believe all money has to be in by October 9th.
Water Bottles
Please feel free to have your child bring in a water bottle to school. I actually prefer it because then I don't have students raising their hands asking to get a drink. They can just have one at their seat. It's also very helpful after specials like P.E. I just ask that they take the bottles home each night so they can be washed.
It's taken me a little while but I finally found the perfect website that supports our math program. If you want your child to get the exact math support that we teach at school, then have them log onto zearn.org. It goes right along with the common core and NY Engage or Eureka. Everyone's login is the first letter of their first name and their whole last name. (Ex: bcritz) Password is math. There are only a few students who have to add a 1 or 2 to their login because it was already taken. If they can't remember, please email me. I will add the link to the blog also.
We wrapped up Module 1: Sums and Differences to 20. I had everyone take the end of module assessment on Wednesday. I will probably grade those and keep them for conferences. If you want to know how your child did on the assessment, just email me. Please give me a few days to correct them though. We have already started Module 2: Addition and Subtraction of Length Units.
Lesson 1
Objective: Connect measurement with physical units by using multiple copies of the same physical unit to measure.
Objective: Connect measurement with physical units by using multiple copies of the same physical unit to measure.
Lesson 2
Objective: Use iteration with one physical unit
to measure.
Language Arts
By the end of the week, your child will know
a lot more about communities. We will look
for answers to the question “Why might an
author write a story?” We’ll read Henry and
Mudge Under the Yellow Moon, a realistic
fiction selection about how Henry and Mudge
explore their community in different ways. We’ll
also read Outdoor Adventures, a selection of
e-mails between a girl and her grandmother
as they discuss the seasonal changes in their
Target Vocabulary: woods, turned, tops,
chipmunks, busy, picked, south, grew
Phonics Skills: Words with long a,
(gate), long i (mine) (VCe); hard and soft
sounds for c (car, cent)
Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-meaning
Comprehension Skill: Author’s
purpose—tell why an author writes a
Comprehension Strategy: Analyze/
evaluate—tell how you feel about the
text and why
Grammar Skill: Statements and Questions
We wrapped up our unit on rules, laws, and communities. We will move forward with some earth science next week but I wanted to introduce the scientific method first. We will kick off science next week by taking a closer look at Earth. We will discuss the different layers of the Earth and eventually focus in on the crust. The main focus will eventually be on the different types of slow and fast changes that take place on Earth's surface.