Friday, January 20, 2017



Lake Center has extended our food drive until Monday, January 23rd. Monday will be the last day for donations.

Our 2nd and final conferences are coming up in February.  Conferences will be on Tuesday, Feb. 14th and Thursday, Feb. 16th.  Please look for the email blast from Lake Center next week so you can follow the link and sign up on-line.  I did make it so there wouldn't be as many gaps in the schedule this time around.  If for some reason you are unable to make any of the available times, please contact me and we can set up a time that works for both of us.

We spent the majority of our week talking about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We are also working on writing a biography about his life as well.  He was one of the greatest civil rights leaders and I think it's important to talk about how he tried to help solve  the problems our nation faced  without violence.

The 2nd grade classes at Lake Center will be learning about and celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year next Thursday morning.  We are going to have our 4 classes rotate through 4 stations where they will try Chinese stir fry and other native foods to Asia, read a story about a boy and his "lucky" red envelope money, complete a mask, and make Chinese lanterns.  We will wrap up our celebration with a 2nd grade dragon parade through our school. 

The 2nd grade has created a sign up genius if you would like to help send in some supplies.

I signed our class up for a free 1 month trial on  This can be an alternate resource so your child can practice their spelling words.  I'm trying to find a way to make less copies and go paperless on homework.  I know that everyone may not have access to the internet so for now I will still be sending home the spelling packet.  The great thing about spelling city is that you can also focus on our vocabulary and high frequency words for the week.  I can create assignments for the kids to complete or they can just go into the games section and download any of our spelling, vocabulary, or high frequency words for the week.  They can also take practice tests.  You just have to know what lesson we are working on for the week.  We will be on Lesson 16 the week after next.  I don't plan on moving ahead in language arts next week since we only have 3 1/2 days.  I will send log-in info home with the kids today because some of the log-ins are a bit different.

I'm sending home January's book orders today.  If there are any books that you are interested in buying this month, please do so by the end of January.  Please order any items that you would like on-line using our class code DX98H.  You can also send in a check made out to Scholastic and I can place the order for you.

Lesson 17 
Objective: Use mental strategies to relate compositions of 10 tens as 1 hundred to 10 ones as 1 ten.

Lesson 18 
Objective: Use manipulatives to represent additions with two compositions.

Lesson 19 
Objective: Relate manipulative representations to a written method.

Lesson 20 & 21
Objective: Use math drawings to represent additions with up to two compositions and relate drawings to a written method.

Lesson 22 
Objective: Solve additions with up to four addends with totals within 200 with and without two compositions of larger units.