Friday, February 19, 2016



Thank you to everyone that made it to conferences this week.  Communication between home and school is the most important factor to success in the classroom.  We don't have any other conferences scheduled for the school year but if you'd like to touch base towards the end of the year, please let me know.

This week we wrapped up our Heroes and Helpers unit by exploring the question “How can stories be alike and different?” First, we read the fantasy story Dex: The Heart of a Hero, about a dog that becomes a superhero! We also learned about some real heroes in the informational text Heroes Then and Now.

Target Vocabulary: depended, overlooked, sprang, studied, gazing, hero, exercise, sore 

Phonics Skills: Words with r-controlled vowels or (for), ore (bore) 

Vocabulary Strategy: Prefix over- (means “above” or “beyond”) 

Comprehension Skill: Compare and contrast—tell how two things are alike or not

Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/ clarify—find ways to figure out what doesn’t make sense 

Lesson 18
Objective: Apply and explain alternate methods for subtracting from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place.

Use compensation to solve 300 – 159

Add to solve 400 – 278

Compensation  800 - 543

Lesson 19 
Objective: Choose and explain solution strategies and record with a written addition or subtraction method.

Problem 1: 180 + 440

Problem 2: 400 – 236 

Lesson 20 
Objective: Choose and explain solution strategies and record with a written addition or subtraction method.

Problem 1: 499 + 166

Problem 2: 546 – 297

Problem 3: 320 + ______ = 418